Unit 3 Discussion 1


Please discuss the following:

  • In a rapidly changing technological, competitive, economic, and social environment, many factors may affect customer expectations and loyalty, including value perception and how often and the method used by organizations to interface with customers within the marketplace. Many organizations claim that they are customer-driven, or customer-focused. How do organizations know really who their customer is, what his/her needs are, and where she/he comes from, and if she/he a new or repeat customer(Is this important to know)?  Does it cost more money and effort to catch a new customer or retain a current customer?
  • How does an organization get customers involved in providing feedback for the future development of a product or is this even possible?  Are there companies out there that do this on a regular basis and are they successful?
  • Please respond to-“The customer always right” and what trends shape this catchphrase?  Do youbelieve this statement to be true?  Why or why not? Does this really mean that they “know” quality services or products?  Is customer satisfaction the key to retention/repeat business?
  • Please discuss your definition of “voice of the customer” and then discuss your organization’s strategy to engage the voice of the customer (internal or external) and offer a plan to increase the visibility of the “voice of the customer” within your organization.  If you do not know your organization’s strategy, generate your own strategy that you would employ in regards to the voice of the customer.  Please use your readings to substantiate your thoughts.

Participation Requirements:

Original discussion forum posts:

  • Create an 150 word minimum thread for your original post identified with your name.
  • Prepare a quality, substantive post that addresses the objectives of the discussion forum and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric
  • Include supportive evidence; such as direct applicable experience and expert sources.

Unit 3 Discussion 2


Assignment:  The correlation between product and service performance and customer indicators is a critical management tool with multiple uses.  Please discuss the measure(s) is/are currently used for process effectiveness and efficiency within your organization.  Additionally, provide and define an opportunity that would increase the visibility of process effectiveness and efficiency.

Please use your readings to substantiate your thoughts.

Participation Requirements:

Original discussion forum posts:

  • Create an 150 words minimum thread for your original post identified with your name.
  • Prepare a quality, substantive post that addresses the objectives of the discussion forum and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric
  • Include supportive evidence; such as direct applicable experience and expert sources.

Unit 3 Action Assignment

Compose an APA-style paper in response to the prompt below that addresses each of the questions. Collect and analyze data from the Deets library and reputable scholarly sources from the Internet to support your original ideas.

The Indifferent Manager

The efforts of Public Communications Inc., to implement total quality had exceeded expectations at two of its three plants. However, the third plant just didn’t seem to be able to get things off the ground. The plant manager, Merrill Stephens, was under a lot of pressure because his colleagues in the other two plants were succeeding and he was floundering. He didn’t know what the problem was, and he didn’t know how to find out. Merrill decided to call together a group of line employees and ask for their input. Immediately, he sensed their reticence. Clearly, they had something to say but didn’t want to say it. Finally, an employee who had been with the company for more than 20 years spoke up. “Mr. Stephens, we’re just going through the motions to keep corporate off your back,” he said. “We know you don’t buy this total quality nonsense.”

Merrill had to admit that the employees were reading him like a book. Sure, he had followed the implementation guidelines to the letter. His executive team was the quality council. Policies had been developed and deployed. Employees were working in teams, and training in the use of quality tools was being provided. The problem was that Merrill himself was just going through the motions. He didn’t really believe in total quality and had hoped it would turn out to be just one more corporate-mandated initiative that would fizzle and eventually go away. He had only four more years until retirement and didn’t need this in his life right now. His managers, middle managers, supervisors, and employees knew him and sensed his indifference and halfheartedness. Part of the organizational culture at this plant was that the employees took their lead from the plant manager. If Merrill was really behind an effort, they got behind it. If he wasn’t, they didn’t. When they accurately sensed his indifference to total quality, they responded accordingly.

Please discuss:

  • The importance of organizational culture in regards to quality and the deployment of quality systems.
  • Where is the employee empowerment?  Do their work ethics have to be reflective of their leader?

Discuss your definition of empowerment and the rational for it within organizations, whether small or large.  Do you think that the above mentioned employees feel inhibited by their manager and have gotten into a “group think” state of mind?  What control does Merrill have in changing the perception of whether his employees feel as if they can forge ahead without his “blessing” and fell empowered as opposed to enlisted.?  Do you think it is possible for Merrill to help his employees to overcome his “Shyness” in moving forward with change and compliance.  How can he implement these changes and create a better working culture?

Reflect upon your own experiences-Have you ever been involved in an effort that was half-hearted because the leader of the effort didn’t seem to be enthusiastic about it? If so, outline what happened? If not, discuss what it means and what chain of events can take place when the person in charge in a given situation sets the tone of moving in a certain direction.  Did you feel a sense of empowerment if you stepped beyond your leader’s confinement?


Include benefits you identify which could improve your organization or one with which you are familiar.

Compose an APA-style paper in response to the prompt below that addresses each of the questions. Your paper will be a reflection on your selection and will consist of a well-written 750 to 1000-word essay that will tell the reader your opinion of the category Collect and analyze data from the library and/or the internet to support your original ideas.  Use at least 3 different sources, not including your textbook that are current, i.e. within the last 5 years.

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