Design a Research Survey Tool that Utilizes a Quantitative Design
a) Assume a factor analysis has been completed and the instrument has been developed, assess the reliability and validity. Discuss the steps that you should take to assess the reliability and validity of the instrument.
b) Describe the steps that should be taken to avoid bias.
c) Describe the steps that should be taken to ensure that ethical guidelines are followed.

a) Describe administration issues that you must overcome.

a) Describe the types of analysis you would use and suggest what results likely would be seen.

a) Evaluate the properties of the instrument, how you would revise or improve it, and recommendations for further study of the instrument.

Reference List
a) Include at least 10 scholarly sources in your paper.

a) Include the actual measure in the appendix of the paper.
b) integrate your faculty’s feedback from your Week 8 Assignment

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