1. Which of the following describes managing the behavior of employees through a formal system of
feedback and reinforcement?
A. Behaviorally anchored rating scales
B. Organizational behavior modification
C. Behavioral-observation scales
D. Critical incidents
2. If a performance measure lacks _______ reliability, determining whether an employee’s performance has
truly changed over time will be impossible.
A. test-retest
B. interrater
C. external
D. strategic
3. Which of the following statements illustrates effective feedback?
A. “You’ve achieved 100 percent of your target in less than six months.”
B. “Overall, your performance has been satisfactory.”
C. “You’ve become careless; you came in late three times last week.”
D. “I don’t see any progress from the last review; you’re lazy.”
4. Generally speaking, the contents of employees’ e-mail and voice-mail messages on companies’ systems
A. private, protected communications.
B. protected and private only if they’re directed to parties outside of the company.
C. not private, protected communications.
D. protected and private if job-related.
5. Which of the following is a false statement about using peers as a source of performance information?
A. Peers have expert knowledge of job requirements and bring a unique perspective to the evaluation, often resulting in extremely
valid assessments of performance.
B. Peer ratings, according to research, are highly influenced by friendships.
C. Peer ratings are particularly useful when supervisors don’t have the opportunity to observe employees.
D. Peers are more willing participants in reviews used for employees.
6. The type of performance management system in which a company assembles performance data on an
individual from most or all of his or her contacts within and outside the company is known as
A. the critical-incidents technique.
B. 360-degree performance appraisals.
C. management by objectives.
D. behavioral-observation scales.
7. An employee refuses an employer’s request to falsify the contents of a report to the EEOC. The
employer subsequently discharges the worker for “not following orders.” In a wrongful-discharge suit, the
employee is likely to argue which of the following exceptions to the at-will-employment doctrine?
A. Reverse discrimination
B. Public policy
C. Implied contract
D. Equal employment
8. Advantages of result-based measures include three of the following. Which is not an advantage of resultbased
A. Result-based measures are very effective in providing guidance on how to improve.
B. Result-based measures are highly acceptable to employees and managers alike.
C. Result-based measures are relatively easy to link to the organization’s goals.
D. Result-based measures are generally less subjective than other kinds of performance systems.
9. Three of the following are trends in executive education. Which one is not a trend in executive
A. Due to increasing costs, employees are increasingly being asked to cover tuition and other program-related costs.
B. Formal educational programs are being supplemented with other developmental activities.
C. Distance learning is being used more frequently by companies.
D. Employers and education providers are developing short courses with content designed specifically for the audience.
10. Three of the following are likely outcomes or benefits of conducting annual employee satisfaction
surveys. Which of the following is not a likely outcome or benefit?
A. The surveys provide a means for empirically assessing the effects of changes in personnel practices on worker attitudes.
B. The surveys provide evidence of the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform specific jobs.
C. The surveys allow the company to monitor trends over time.
D. The surveys give employees an outlet for voicing their concerns.
11. What is the employee’s responsibility in the self-assessment stage of career management?
A. Communicate performance evaluations
B. Identify opportunities and areas of needed improvement
C. Identify steps and a timetable to reach goals
D. Provide assessment information to identify strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values
12. Which of the following statements about benchmarks is false?
A. The managers’ supervisors, their peers, and the managers themselves must complete the instrument to ensure its effectiveness.
B. The instrument measures 16 skills and perspectives, such as how well managers deal with subordinates, acquire resources,
and create a productive work climate.
C. While managers enjoy completing the instrument and find the results interesting, research is inconclusive regarding the skills
measured and their relationship to on-the-job performance.
D. The items measured by benchmarks are based on research into the lessons that executives have learned as a result of critical
events within their careers.
13. Total quality management differs from traditional performance measurement in that TQM
A. has an external, rather than an internal, focus.
B. assesses both individual performance and the system within which the individual works.
C. is a top-down review process.
D. focuses on support decisions about work assignments, training, and compensation.
14. The step in the career management process in which employees receive information about their skills
and knowledge and where these assets fit into the organization’s plans is called
A. goal setting.
B. self-assessment.
C. reality check.
D. action planning.
15. Which of the following statements correctly describes in-basket exercises?
A. In-basket exercises simulate the administrative tasks of a manager’s job, using a pile of documents for the employee to handle.
B. In-basket exercises require participants to take the part of a manager or employee in a situation involving the skills to be
C. In-basket exercises are paper-and-pencil tests designed to measure participants’ communication styles and skills.
D. In-basket exercises require teams of five to seven employees to work together to solve assigned problems within a certain
time period.
16. To improve performance of underutilizers, managers should
A. link rewards to performance outcomes.
B. withhold pay increases.
C. demote them from their current position.
D. offer temporary assignments for skill development.
17. An Individual Coaching for Effectiveness program is designed to
A. improve managers in succession planning.
B. help prepare managers for overseas assignments.
C. reduce the effects of the glass ceiling.
D. help managers with dysfunctional behaviors.
18. The primary use of assessment centers is to identify
A. employees’ personality types and job interests.
End of exam
B. decision processes and communication styles that inhibit production.
C. the strengths and weaknesses of team members.
D. employees who have the personality, characteristics, and skills needed for managerial positions.
19. If peer review doesn’t lead to a settlement, a neutral party from outside the organization hears the case
and tries to help the people in conflict arrive at a settlement. This process is called
A. mediation.
B. open-door policy.
C. arbitration.
D. progressive discipline.
20. Why would an employee seek a downward move?
A. To learn different skills
B. To increase salary and visibility
C. To have more authority
D. To have greater challenges
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