1. Think of any social phenomenon you would like to observe in real life. This can be anything (e.g. the way people behave in a set situation, the types of clothes people wear, issues of class, race, gender, age, culture, work habits, the way people use technology). Your topic must be to do with the social world (i.e. not technical or biological) and you will need to select something that you can study relatively easily. Otherwise you are limited only by your imagination in terms of what you would like to investigate.
2. Download the ‘Assessment 1.9 Research Results for Submission Form’.
3. Create a formal research question or hypothesis that you will be able to answer using the data you collect.
4. Make a list of any tools or resources you will need to conduct your experiment
5. Make a list of the process you plan to follow to conduct your experiment
6. Gather your tools and go to a place in the social world where you will conduct your research
7. Collect your data being sure to keep as detailed notes as possible (depending on your experiment this may involve keeping a tally of an event or research notes or a voice or video recording etc)
8. Be sure to document yourself conducting the experiment (this could be a photo or some other evidence)
9. Once you have collected your raw data complete the Assessment 1.9 Research Results for Submission Form. Attach any relevant appendices or raw data to the form.


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