Human Resource Management
The assessment item is based on the case study titled Making Injury Prevention a Central Focus (pp. 140-142) of the textbook: Human Resource Management in Australia (5th Ed.) by Kramar, Bartram, De Cieri, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, McGraw-Hill Australia). You should read, and carefully analyse, the case and respond to the issues presented in, and hidden behind, the case scenario within the context of a professionally developed business report. You are required to support your arguments with appropriate theoretical discussion and references.
This assignment MUST be a properly constructed business report. It MUST contain headings and sub-headings. The introduction should introduce the report, thesis statement (main objectives of the assignment) and include your argument. The main body of the assignment should present the evidence you have collected to support your arguments for the questions you are required to research. The conclusion section should restate your arguments, summarise the evidence and make a conclusion from all previous discussions.
The assignment should contain a coherent, but necessarily restricted review of the academic literature on HRM topics in question. The literature review should be integrated into the assignment and not be a separate section. A reference list formatted in the prescribed Harvard style is compulsory. Further information regarding formatting of assignments and other information is available at
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