Throughout the course, we have seen the theme of the voice from outside at wor Leave a reply Throughout the course, we have seen the theme of the voice from outside at work, bringing in critical information to the characters that they dont possess on our own (the aliens in all four of the works in the first half of the course played this role). This theme continues in all four works in the latter half of the course as well, though not always in the same way. Choose any one of the works from the second half of the course (Stranger in a Strange Land, A Case of Conscience, VALIS, or The Matrix), and, making specific references to the work in order to illustrate and support your argument, discuss how this theme of the voice from outside comes into play within the text. You should consider not only the actual form this voice takes but also the larger role it plays in the meaning of the text. What does this voice do? Why is it needed (or is it)? Those sorts of questions. This entry was posted in English on December 7, 2021 by .