Assignment 5: Case Study: Ethical Decision Making 30% This assignment relates to Leave a reply Assignment 5: Case Study: Ethical Decision Making 30% This assignment relates to the following Course Learning Requirements: CLR 1: Explore, discuss and assess the professional and ethical issues facing the CJS practitioner. Objective of this Assignment: To demonstrate the knowledge, method and thinking skills required for ethical decision-making in the CJS field. Pre-Assignment Instructions: 1. Review the material around values and ethics, OCSWSSW Ethics-A Decision-Making Tool, and the ethical decision-making framework. 2. Read the following scenario: BL, a 24-year-old with autism and developmental disability recently came to the program. BL’s mother was acting on behalf of her son in all decision-making capacities, including signing of consents and service requests, without legal consent to do so. When asked, mother expressed frustration as this has “always been the way”. The mother refused to include her son in any of the decision-making and consent processes required by this writer to engage in services. The mother communicated that she had been acting on her son’s behalf “his whole life”, did not wish to pursue the cost of formalizing herself as substitute decision maker, and felt that she did not wish to “start a precedent” of having her son “put mark to paper” as she did not believe her son could make decisions on his own behalf. The cost of legally becoming a substitute decision-maker is upwards of $5000 through the courts – a substantial amount for this family. An established norm for families in this situation is that they often perform the function of a substitute decision-maker on behalf of the person with a dual diagnosis. Ethical Dilemma: How does the worker provide support without impacting the client’s access to service and compromising legal requirements in place around consent and capacity? Assignment Tasks: 1. Pertaining to the aforementioned scenario, and using the OCSWSSW Ethics-A Decision-Making Tool determine several options for potential course of action (COA), with a final decision on the COA selected. 2. Write an analysis on the ethical decision-making process, ensuring that you have responded to the following questions: 3. Note: your analysis should be in report format, 1000-1500 words, using headings and subheadings. • What made this a challenging ethical dilemma? What ethical questions were raised? • What values guided your decision-making process? Did you experience any conflict in your personal and professional values? • What course of action did you choose to take? • What was the rationale for your decision? Please use any legislation, sections from the OCSWSSW Code of Ethics, policies, best practices to support your decision. • Which reasoning approach(es) to ethics did you use in this case? 4. You must use at least 5 outside sources that demonstrate what current literature (within the last 5 years) is saying about best practices grounded in theory and research. 5. Post only your decided upon course of action into the discussion board, with a rationale, and grounding your decision in legislation, professional values, the Code of Ethics, and best practices that you researched. 6. Reply to a minimum of three other classmates’ original postings with substance and meaningful responses. 7. Respond to other classmates’ postings in your original thread with substance and meaningful responses to either produce higher clarity, or summarize your discussion. 8. Include a copy of your completed OCSWSSW Ethics-A Decision-Making Tool. This can be in slide deck format. Or another format of your choosing, but it must contain all of the requisite steps. 9. Your assignment is to be submitted in MS WORD format. It should be submitted with the following guidelines: • Include a cover page with the course code and course name, the assignment number, the title of your assignment, your student ID, your name, the instructor’s name, and the date the assignment is created. • Ensure the first page of your assignment has the title at the top of the page and the sections of your report have headings and subheadings to chunk your paper into sections for each of the topics you are writing about. • Font should be either Calibri or Arial, 11pt. Text must be double-spaced. • You must cite all your sources of information using APA formatting. • Create a separate reference page that lists all of your sources that you have cited in text. Sources include software used. Also, personal communications from a professional in the field count as a reference source. For citation and referencing examples, see 10. Completeness entails: • Complete and thorough OCSWSSW Ethics-A Decision-Making Tool • Analysis in Report Format. • 5 Outside Sources • Post your course of action and rationale to the Discussion Board; Reply to 3 other classmates in their original threads; Responses to classmates in your original thread. This entry was posted in Ethics on December 7, 2021 by .

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