F????????????????????ormal Report required: Describes three key opportunities to Leave a reply F????????????????????ormal Report required: Describes three key opportunities to enhance/improve female engagement for a Financial Services firm, which would result in greater inclusivity for women in this area. – why the three opportunities identified would achieve positive outcomes – describe the procedures and processes that must be put in place within a company – explain how these changes will be implemented and how their impact on a company will be measured —————————————————————————- Opportunity 1. More women in finance – Recruitment of more women in senior roles/financial advisor 45% of women said there should be more women in the sector, both in leadership and advisory roles. Female Relationship Managers, it was thought, could better understand the pressures of facing women (such as career or maternity breaks), as well as???????????????????? motivations involving the home and family. Opportunity 2. Gender neutral language/Less Jargon 28% said it was an industry overly reliant on jargon which reduced both understanding and trust. Women are time poor and would like the industry to make it easier for them to engage, by going to them both in person and digitally. Opportunity 3. More education/Addressing gendered roles at home and at work, and to encourage better domestic and financial balance. 24% of women said education should be improved and offered at a young age, to boost knowledge and confidence = Combat Economic Abuse and address pension gap & pay gap Some research attached and Links: This entry was posted in Sociology on December 7, 2021 by .

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