W????????????????????rite a five-paragraph, no-upper-or-lower-word-limit essay a Leave a reply W????????????????????rite a five-paragraph, no-upper-or-lower-word-limit essay about one critical event in the timeline of detection, spread, response, and mitigation of infectious-disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics in the Philippines. The essay has to do two things: (a) narrate the critical event in the timeline which you are going to choose, and (b) reflect on the event and try to answer these questions: What can governments, agencies, and/or individuals learn from the history of infectious-disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics response in the Philippines? Based on how things turn and are turning out to be, what can Filipinos, e.g., the government and the people, learn from history and how can we do better in the future in terms of science and technology? When I read and mark your essay, I will simply go back to the two previous question and, after reading, ask myself: Is the student able to narrate the event and then reflect on the two questions well? The expected structure of your five paragraphs is as follows: Paragraph 1 (Introduction) Pick a critical event in the timeline of infectious-disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics in the Philippines. You will need to read and study the policy paper from UP National College of Public Administration and Governance (UPNCPAG) Learning from the many infectious-disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics that the Philippines experiences, choose one COVID-19 event in our country, which you consider critical where you think government, politicians, institutions, or the people could have done better and narrate how that COVID-19 event transpired. Note: This is the historical perspective of your essay. Use the relevant reference/s entry in the policy paper. The last sentence in this paragraph should give an overview of the three things learned about the event, without any explanation yet. Paragraph 2 (Body 1) Discuss the first insight/learning about the chosen critical event. Explain the part where we could have done better in handling the health issue, too. Of course, all arguments have to be related to science and technology. Paragraph 3 (Body 2) Discuss the second insight/learning about the chosen critical event. Explain the part where we could have done better in handling the health crisis. Paragraph 4 (Body 3) Discuss the third insight/learning about the chosen critical event. Explain the part where we could have done better in handling the health crisis. Paragraph 5 (Conclusion) Summarize all the insights/learnings???????????????????? you presented/argued and close your essay by reflecting on the ultimate question, ., How can the government, agencies, and people do better in the future? The author of the policy paper provided essential ways to remedy the fundamental ills of the Philippine health system beyond the requisites of dealing with emergency situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. These recommendations are aimed for building an inclusive, just and equitable health system that will help us look forward to a new and better normal for all. In the context of Science and Technology, add a recommendation that will address the perennial problem in our health systems that will improve our response to infectious-disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics. Note that you do not have to focus on all stakeholders in your essay. For example, if you want to focus your essay on an event pertaining to a decision by the health department, then all your insights and reflections will also be focused on the same individual, or group, or agency, or the government in general. References List all your references, including the required website for reading, in APA 7th Ed. format. rubric: Choice of event and ability to narrate (20 points) to be assessed primarily based on the introduction Is the student able to choose a critical event in the timeline of infectious-disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics in terms of its relevance to science and technology? (10 points) Is the student able to narrate the event clearly including the critical science and technology-related decisions involved in the event? (10 points) Depth of reflection (40 points) to be assessed primarily based on the three body paragraphs Is the discussion of the three learnings from the event insightful? (20 points) Is the student able to back up insights with evidence-based arguments from other external sources, which are properly cited? (20 points) Usefulness of insights (20 points) to be graded primarily based on the conclusion Is the student able to offer insights that have clear applications in the future? (10 points) Is the student able to close the essay with a thought-provoking statement about the importance of science and technology in society? (10 points) Clarity and conciseness of writing (10 points) Is the student able to express ideas effectively through clear and concise writing? Citation and references (10 points) Are sources properly and correctly cited in the paragraphs? (5 points) Is a correctly formatted APA 7th Ed. reference list included in the submission? (5 po????????????????????ints) This entry was posted in Health and Social Care on December 5, 2021 by .