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1. Write an introduction: Your introduction should include your thesis statement Leave a reply 1. Write an introduction:Your introduction should include your thesis statement. You should introduce the reader to yourargument. Give a general idea of what you will argue. Also explain to your reader why this topic isimportant.2. Explain your argument:This paragraph should be dedicated to your argument. Explain your position, using rhetorical strategies(but do not name them). Explain why this issue is important and explain why you are sure that yourideas are valid. You should support your argument in this paragraph with quotes or paraphrases fromresearch sources. Be sure you plan out where you will place your sources. Be sure to use all fourarticles.3. Explain the counterargument:Substantially argue the other side of your issue. Do not limit this paragraph to a few, thin sentences. Begenerous with your counterargument. You should support the counterargument with at least oneresearch source and incorporate it into this section of your essay.4. Restate your argument in relation to thecounterargument:In this section of your essay, you will dismantle the counterargument. You will show why thecounterargument is not valid and explain why your position continues to be correct. This should be astrong section of your paper because it is the point at which you make your final rhetorical thrust.5. Write a Conclusion:Do not write “In conclusion…” Do not announce your conclusion, simply conclude. Here you shouldreiterate the key points you brought out in the essay and you should repeat your thesis and once againexplain why your position is valid.6. Carefully create a Works Cited page:You must have at least four citations on this page. Carefully follow all MLA rules for creating a WorksCited page. Use resources from the course to help you get this right. You may also use Google for help. This entry was posted in English Language on December 5, 2021 by .

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