Political theorizing often develops in the context of, and in response, perceive Leave a reply Political theorizing often develops in the context of, and in response, perceived social andpolitical troubles. In that light, identify and describe what your chosen theorists see as the chiefproblems that arise from modernity. Compare and contrast the analysis of those problems thateach theorist presents. (Focus on what problems each theorist identifies, on how each theoristdiagnoses the causes and consequences of the problems, and on what remedies the theoristoffers.) Which theorist do you believe presents the most persuasive account of the modernworld? Why?use Arendt the human conditionas for Rawls us only these chapters and only use the highlighted sections.3 The Main Idea of the Theory of Justice4 The Original Position and Justification11 Two Principles of Justice13 Democratic Equality and the Difference Principle17 The Tendency to Equality24 The Veil of Ignorance26 The Reasoning Leading to the Two Principles of Justice_________________________________________________________________________please keep the language simple dont use any hard spelling or highly advanced words and keep it straight forward and simple. This entry was posted in Philosophy on December 5, 2021 by .