I need this references in the questions it?s important.question 1. Describe and Leave a reply I need this references in the questions it?s important.question 1. Describe and give examples of what the situation for domestic and foreign-born people looks like in the Swedish labor market. Then discuss (based on relevant course literature) what the difference in employment rate between domestic and foreign-born with equivalent education may be due to.Question 2. Various researchers point out that Sweden?s migration policy during the 20th century can be said to have been driven more by a desire to create goodwill for Sweden and based on the needs of the Swedish labor market than by altruism and humanism. Describe with several clear illustrative examples from the course literature how and why this statement is true.Question 3. There are many ways to explain migration motivations. Choose two theories and a migrant group in Sweden or Swedish immigrants in another country and explain this mobility (for extra information also see ¨ article King (2012), reference can be found in Canvas). (The article is in attach files.question 4. Schierup and Ålund (2012) write about the end of Swedish exceptionalism. What do they mean by that? How does what happens in Swedish society relate to other European countries or what happens within the European Union? Can we see the same tendency or different tendencies in any other society? You can also use theories about different integration models to analyze changes that occur. This entry was posted in International and Public Relations on December 4, 2021 by .