The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with a CFP/RFP and dis Leave a reply The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with a CFP/RFP and discuss what elements you would include and why? In addition, you will reflect on your personal thoughts on the grant application requirements.Go to (Links to an external site.) and click on the “Search Grants” tab. Locate a grant that targets a health outcome that is of interest to you and click on the opportunity number. Then, scroll down to the “Link to Additional Information” to access the fullRead the article and answer the following questions:Copy a link to the announcement.In YOUR OWN WORDS, what is the purpose of the grant award? (2-4 sentences)What types of organizations are eligible?What is the amount of the award?Look under “Award Information.” What is the grant willing to pay for?Briefly, what intervention strategy would you implement, and how does that coincide with the stated purpose of the grant award? (3-5 sentences)Roughly how do you think the budget would be spent, given your proposed intervention? (1-3 sentences)What are your thoughts and opinions on this RFP? (2-4 sentences)Students are expected to use professional tone/language, as well as proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics. The paper should be saved as a Microsoft Word document or a pdf. It should be 1-3 pages (excluding reference list), double-spaced, 1” margins, and a legible font. All major assertions must be supported with citations in APA format and an APA-formatted reference list should accompany the assignment. This entry was posted in Health Care and Life Sciences : Public Health on December 5, 2021 by .

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