From Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, read “Case 7: Walmart Juggles Risks and Rewards.”
Examine the manner in which Walmart’s business philosophy has impacted its perception of being unethical toward supply and employee stakeholders.
Provide one example of Walmart in an ethical situation.
Determine the major effects that Walmart’s business philosophy has had on its human resource practices and policies.
Analyze two of the legal mandates that workers and the U.S. government have accused Walmart of violating.
Provide an explanation as to why these legal mandates were violated, citing specific violations.
Evaluate the efficiency of the structure of the ethical decision-making framework that Walmart has used in making its decisions.
Provide a rationale for your response.
Recommend two actions that Walmart’s human resources department should take in order to improve the employees’ perspectives of Walmart’s human resources policies.
Provide a rationale for your recommendations.

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