You need to write about 17 pages to finish the marketing analytics reports. The Leave a reply You need to write about 17 pages to finish the marketing analytics reports. The requirement is in the following words doc(Term Market Analytics_2021). Please use ArcGIS website to get data graphic to help you to do the report. And the end of the word doc, you can find my ID and password to use the website for free. Thank you.the real estate area, I prefer to pick Hudson Yard or Lower outline:ANALYTICAL STATEMENT: 3PROJECT DEFINITION AND RATIONALE: 3OVERALL REAL ESTATE MARKET: 4TARGET MARKET: .. 6MARKET POTENTIAL: . 7COMPETITIVE SUPPLY: . 8AREA ECONOMIC OVERVIEW: 9Demographics 9Economic Bases . 10PUBLIC POLICY: . 11LOCAL KNOWLEDGE: 13FINDINGS: . 14MONITORING STRATEGY: .. 15 This entry was posted in Business on December 4, 2021 by .