Written Research ProposalThe proposal may be conceived as a road map that provi Leave a reply Written Research ProposalThe proposal may be conceived as a road map that provides direction for the researchand the writing of your research paper. The more detailed and developed the map, theless difficult it should be to write the thesis paper.Your proposal should show that you have begun your analytical process and that youwill go beyond the ‘what’ and ‘how’ to explore the ‘why’ of your research topic.Your proposal should describe your initial ideas about what you propose to investigateand why you want to do so, a theoretical framework from which you will analyze yourideas, a preliminary scholarly literature review (not just a list), and what you mightplausibly expect to discover. It should be seen as a tool to narrow a topic so that it isfeasible with the resources and time available—and a topic that is worth doing. It willalso serve as a checklist as you carry out your research paper later.The organization of headings should closely follow the template posted toBlackBoard and contain the following elements:•Thesis Statement:While your subject of interest may be broad and multifaceted, your researchtopic or thesis statement should be narrow enough to investigate in anapproximately 20 to 30-page paper.•A reasoning for the choice of topic. Show what you have selected to exploreis important or useful within the context of the program and local government.Equally important is to indicate the limitations of your paper: what you will notbe discussing due to particular limitations, which you must describe (e.g., thelength of the research paper).•Theoretical framework: Examine and compare different theories that wouldaddress the problem from different perspectives. Describe your initialthoughts about the theoretical orientation to your topic. This should include apreliminary identification of concepts, assumptions, models, and hypothesesrelevant to your topic.• A literature review of existing published work that relates to the topic. Theproposal will require library and/or web-based research.o Include a list of a minimum of ten works you plan on consulting, of whicha minimum of five scholarly works must annotated (summary andevaluative) in an annotated bibliography section of the proposal. ConsultPAD 140 – Public Sector Governance and SystemsProfessor Tyler Sutton Page 4 of 10Seneca Libraries for the MLA Citation Guide (MLA 8th Edition): AnnotatedBibliography.• An outline (plan) of your intended approach (your thesis statement withcomparisons to the existing published work), and how you intend to organize yourtopic. The body of the proposal should include appropriate headings, lists andvisuals (as applicable) to make reading and cross-referencing easy.• A justification: Answer the question ‘so what?’, that is, state why your researchtopic is worth investigating. How does the research problem (or the answer tothe research problem) connect with a public policy concern of a localgovernment? This entry was posted in Political science on December 5, 2021 by .

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