This 6 page paper is a research paper outlining specific methods of gender socialization in American social institutions. It is best to narrow the research topic to a specific institution such as a military, education, medical, or legal institution. You are expected to do library research, which can include but must go beyond the texts used for this class. You must use at least six academic sources – books or journal articles; if you use popular press articles (such as Time magazine or something) or online sources other than academic journals which you found online, these are not included as part of your six academic sources. You can use them as supplements, but you must have at least six academic sources in addition to such supplemental sources. APA formatting required.
The supplemental sources are:
Taylor, Verta. Feminist Frontiers, 9th edition 2012, ISBN: 978-0-07-802662-1
Sapiro, Virginia. Women in American Society: An Introduction to Women’s Studies 5th ed. 2003. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 9780767416399
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