watch the last two episodes (episode 2 The Story We Tell AND 3 The House We L Leave a reply watch the last two episodes (episode 2 The Story We Tell AND 3 The House We Live In ) of the series Race: The Power of an Illusion. Then, make a review response, which can be in video format or written format. For the review, you must:summarize the episodes in your own words (no copying and pasting from the film transcript or online resources), demonstrating you have watched both episodes in their entirety;discuss what you learned from the films;and most importantly, discuss how the major messages of the films relate to course readings. If you dont include how the major messages relate to the course readings, you will not earn very many points. A good strategy to ensure earning a high score on this assignment is to write/talk about how the films relate to specific info discussed in the assigned readings during week 5 (in the article by Goodman (Links to an external site.) and from the textbook chapter 13, Race and Human Variation (Links to an external site.)), making sure to cite these readings after you discuss them.Minimum length is one page all the way down to the bottom of the page in 12pt Times New Roman font (you may choose between double or single spacing).Video LinksEpisode Two The Story We TellVideo 2 of playlist Race The Power of an IllusionEpisode One The Difference Between Us This entry was posted in Anthropology on December 5, 2021 by .