This assignment requires you to develop a brief marketing plan. This needs to be Leave a reply This assignment requires you to develop a brief marketing plan. This needs to be submitted as a powerpoint presentation only. Your assignment needs to have the following components:1. The name and location of your company. (This can be a business you are involved in or one that you are thinking about starting. It can list the city only as the location)2. Describe your target market for your product3. Describe why you have selected this location to target (Based on desired demographics)4. What will be your brand (You can create an actual brand or discuss the components that you are using to build your brand)5. How will you price your product (include what pricing strategies you will use)*** Your presentation should be no more than 10 slides including the first slide with the contact information***Your presentation should be submitted as an attachment to Ecampus***Points will be awarded for clarity of presentation, content and spelling/grammar. For example, presentations with slides that contain too much information will receive a deduction in points***Feel free to use charts and tables or illustrations. Any references cited can be done so on a final slide not included in the 10 countYour assignment is due by 11:59pm on 12/05 This entry was posted in Marketing homework help on December 4, 2021 by .

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