This are the changes I need There are a myriad of formatting mistakes here that Leave a reply This are the changes I needThere are a myriad of formatting mistakes here that make it difficult to read.Format:Description placementpage 1Dialogue misplacedpage 1the Lady lineVerb tense in action should be present not pastCAPS characters names in action sectionsIntroduce charactersi.e. the DeanWhy is your action and dialogue on the same linesee throughout your script for this and change it.We cannot SEE what your characters are thinking or feeling in the action sections. These sections are for location description and character action.Important:Im also gonna add the sample and also the written version of the script so you know what feelings to add on the scriptIm its long script but the work i need is less than one page This entry was posted in Other : Script on December 5, 2021 by .