The use of forensic psychology continues to provide law enforcement officials wi Leave a reply The use of forensic psychology continues to provide law enforcement officials with invaluable information pertaining to the profiling and identification of criminal suspects. However, the field has matured considerably from its nascent stages. After reading the introduction and Chapter 1 in the Bartol & Bartol text in addition to the Snook, Cullen, Bennell, Taylor, & Gendreau (2008) and Kocsis (2003) articles, examine the various changes that have occurred over the years within the field of forensic psychology. In addition, analyze the current educational and training models available in forensic psychology as outlined in Chapter 1 of the Bartol & Bartol text.Provide answers to the following questions:In what ways has forensic science grown as a discipline?What future changes are predicted for the field?What current educational and training models are available for students interested in working in the field? This entry was posted in Psychology homework help on December 7, 2021 by .

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