1)Review the Learning Outcomes for this module. What is your understanding of what is to be achieved and how will you go about doing this?150 words
2)In your own words, explain why Global Marketing Management is important for marketing professionals 250 words
3)What skills have you developed on this module and how will it help you in the future? 270 words.
By the end of this module the students will be able to:

Determine the types of information required for effective global decision-making;

Identify the key cultural factors and the nature of their impact on global marketing;

Evaluate the opposing arguments for standardising or adapting the elements of the marketing mix in different markets/countries;

Determine specific marketing activities based upon knowledge of the key characteristics of the target audience;

Select, integrate and justify appropriate promotional mixes to meet the needs of
the marketing communication strategies;

Be aware of the impact and contribution information technology makes to global marketing, and be appreciative of and sensitive to issues associated with cross-border marketing communications.No references


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