T????????????????????he purpose of this annotated bibliography is to provide edu Leave a reply T????????????????????he purpose of this annotated bibliography is to provide educators and professionals with resources and references to broaden their perspectives and knowledge of family diversity. You will choose a specific type of family such as recent immigrant families, adoptive families, single parent families, and transnational families. If you prefer, you may choose another topic that represents a type of diverse family based on your interest. You will collect various research articles and references related to the particular type of diverse family you have chose????????????????????n. The annotated bibliography must follow the instructions below: ? Minimum of 15 references: You may include websites, books, or popular press sources, but you must include a minimum of ten scholarly references from peer-reviewed journals. ? Citations are to be typed and formatted using the APA format. ? Each citation should include a short 1-2 paragraph annotation providing an overview of the reference and explaining why it is important and useful. ? All citations must be recent (later than 2010) and websites must include the complete URL address????????????????????. This entry was posted in Education on December 5, 2021 by .

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