Choose one of the 4 chapters which will be available on the attached file.
Please add some extra sources to help build main ideas.
and read the following questions in order to help you to write the essay.
In simple terms, what forms of chemical material(s) and/or reaction(s) feature in your chosen chapter?
How is the chemistry mentioned in your chapter woven into a story about the author’s career or life?
What role in the story is played by the chemical element named in the title of your chosen chapter?
What does your chapter tell you about the deductive or reasoning processes that chemists regularly use?
What does your chapter say about small-scale industrial chemistry (albeit more than 50 years ago)?
Do you think that Levi found it difficult to separate his chemical career from other aspects of his life?
Can you relate the events described in your chapter to other events, either at that time or subsequently?
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