You must select a company which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. The company must be a non-financial services company, so you cannot select a bank, insurance company or fund manager.
Having selected a company, you must address the following questions:
Firstly, please select a company and tell me the company. Thank you so much
1. Briefly describe the characteristics of the business environment in which the business operates and Identify the organisation’s core objectives and services [5 Marks]
2. Identify and rankthe keyrisks which your company faces. [40 Marks]
3. Using an appropriate framework, discuss possible risk responses which the company could adopt to manage some the key risks shown above. [50 Marks]
4. Clearly communicate the concepts and arguments in a reader friendly manner, supported by full referencing of citations.Spelling and grammar should be excellent throughout and full use should be made of appendices. [5 Marks]
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