Include in your discussion reference to the difficulties of measuring such impacts and the application of the precautionary principle to their management. You should use examples from both terrestrial and marine
Please read the following instructions very carefully.

Please include table of content in the first page of your essay, which consists of a series of headings and sub-headings.

cite at least 30 references from academic journal articles, books or appropriate reports in the essay.
Sources must be fully acknowledged and where quotations are employed, the page number as well as the other details should be given.

The essay should show evidence of wide reading and careful analysis of issues. It is expected that appropriate examples to illustrate arguments will be drawn from the published literature.

It should be an evidence based piece of writing.

Refer to the following structure for the Table of Content
• Abstract (Strictly one paragraph only)
• Introduction
• Background
• Literature review
• Discussion and Analysis
• Recommendation
• Conclusion


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