The general requirements of the review of War without Mercy are indicated in the Leave a reply The general requirements of the review of War without Mercy are indicated in the syllabus.The length of the review is approximately 5 pages (double-spaced).The review should consist of three separate parts:1. a summary of the book.  You should summarize the book part by part, one paragraph for each part.  Divide your summary into four parts (four paragraphs).  In the summary you should provide at least four quotes (short phrase) for each part (16 quotes in total), also need to indicate the page numbers of the quotes.2. Indicate the author’s major arguments and supporting evidence (such as photos, pictures, interviews, government documents, magazines, newspapers).  Also, indicate the sources or page numbers of his evidence.3. Your reflections.The paper will be graded on the basis of its organization (20%), summary (30%), indication of arguments/evidence (30%), and reflections (20%).The paper will be due on Dec. 5, Sunday.  Late papers will receive a penalty (see the syllabus). This entry was posted in English and Literature : English on December 5, 2021 by .

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