Develop a research proposal for the task found below. Your original response to the question posed should reflect your comprehensive understanding of the relevant literature and research in criminal justice and criminology. Responses should be at least six pages (not including title page and reference page), double-spaced, twelve point font, one inch margins. Use citations and references where appropriate.
You have been tasked with studying the effects that parental incarceration has on juvenile delinquency. Provide a review of the existing literature on parental incarceration and juvenile delinquency. Develop a research proposal designed to explore the effects of parental incarceration on juvenile delinquency. Describe your research methods and statistical analysis that you would use. Be sure to include hypothesis, significant concepts, measurements of those concepts, tests that you would conduct based on your data, subjects and access to subjects, and informed consent. In addition, discuss ways to strength validity and reliability, as well as ethical concerns related to studying a vulnerable population. Remember to justify your decisions as you progress through this process.
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