Required Length: 2000 words Required Sources: 8 Style: MLA Due Date: 12/5/21 Pro Leave a reply Required Length: 2000 wordsRequired Sources: 8Style: MLADue Date: 12/5/21Prompt: In a 2000 word essay, compose an argument to support one side of a major social or cultural issue currently affecting the American public. Support the argument with your research of the relevant literature. Remember, this paper will address the opposite side of the argument from your Research Paper 1 submission.Additional InfoSource Breakdown: For this paper, you must utilize 8 reliable, credible sources to support your reasoning, but they may consist of any combination of the following:5 peer reviewed journal articles2-3 magazine, newspaper, or news site articles, and/or1 YouTube lecture or talk (optional; replaces a single magazine /newspaper source).*Please do not exceed the maximum amount for each category. Citing less than the minimum for each category will result in automatic failure of the assignment.Remember:-Peer Reviewed Journal articles are scholarly sources, usually found via library databases such as those offered by NWCC.-Magazine/eMagazine articles are self-explanatory. Thoroughly vet the author(s).-News Site articles are roughly the qualitative equivalent of magazine articles. Use official websites only. Do not use blogs, wikis, message boards, encyclopedias, dictionaries, or study guide sites. This entry was posted in English Language on December 5, 2021 by .