Please refer to the following for guidance: Trace one of the biblical themes from the list below noting developments of that theme in Old Testament and in the New Testament. Show the continuity in the development of the theme as well as any changes in meaning. Note any areas of disputed understanding. This paper must be accompanied by an outline. Papers must be a minimum of 2,500 words, double-spaced, and include the following: Introduction, body with internal documentation, summary/conclusion, and references/work cited page., with a minimum of five (5) sources. Include a word count. MLA or APA guidelines apply, depending on major. List of topics: Word of God……….Wisdom……..Spirit……..Convenant……Justice…….Love……Fidelity……..Mercy……..Wrath……..Glory of God…….Christ……..Son of God……..Lord…….King…….Priest…….Prophet……Servant……Son of Man……Shepherd……Elijah……Chosen people………Community…….Kingdom of God……Poor of Yahweh (anawin)……Righteousness…..Faith……Hope……Obedience…….Redemption……Salvation…….Resurection. You can choose from one of the above topics for this research. This paper must be turned in tomorrow December, 10 2015 by 2 oclock (1400hrs). This paper must be well documented, be certain to distinguish betweem paraphrase and quatation.


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