when it comes to any of the “reactive attitudes”, there are two central questions to be posed: (1) is that particular reactive attitude a response to virtues and/or vices (as opposed to expressions of ‘good or ill will’ that may or may not have any particular connection to questions of character)? And (2) with regard to that particular reactive attitude, what would it look like to have a disposition towards that attitude (in the right way, at the right time, expressed in the right fashion, towards the right people) that qualifies as virtuous?
For this paper, your assignment is simple. Pick a reactive attitude—any reactive attitude—and answer those two questions.
[Do notice, however, that when you are answering the second question, you’ll need to say something about what is your criterion of virtue and vice. You are more than welcome to adopt any criterion of virtue and vice that you’d like—e.g. Aristotelian, Humean, something else entirely—but you need to say with what criterion you are working in answering the second question]
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