To understand any social process, such as public safety leadership, in a democratic society, we need to comprehend how organizational members view that function. To accomplish this, the first step is to state a basic research problem: What do you want to learn about how public safety personnel view their leaders and leadership? The next step is to develop a survey research project design that will enable you to discover what you want to learn. In this undertaking, you will be preparing yourself for the major task of your doctoral studies: writing a dissertation.
In this assignment, you will design but not implement a theory-based quantitative research survey study of the attitudes, values, or perceptions held by a sample group of (Miami Dade Police Department regarding its leadership. It is expected that the plan would result in a valid, reliable, ethical, and effectively written research project.
Assignment Instructions
Complete the following:
• Choose an empirically researchable topic for your study
• Select and read one quantitative survey research article from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that is relevant to your topic and has the same basic format you would like to use for your study desig. You will use this article as a basis for designing your own quantitative research project that applies a theory pertaining to public safety leadership.
Organization of the Assignment
Organize your assignment into the following sections:

Title Page
Start your research design project with a simple title that very briefly characterizes your proposed project. (Your title should not be more than 10 words. Do not put quotation marks around or underline the title.) An abstract is not needed.

• In APA (6th edition), the introduction does not require a subheading because it is known to come first.
• Begin the assignment with an introduction of the general topic you will be studying.
• State the theoretical and practical significance of your topic. Why is it important or useful to study this topic?
• Indicate what you want to find out about the topic by offering your research question.
• Include a leadership theory that will help you to define and test hypotheses.
• Specify the potential contribution this project could make to the literature by briefly indicating the gap in knowledge that it will fill.
• This section should be approximately 200 words.

Literature Review
• Briefly summarize the article you located earlier, focusing carefully on the research method used.
• Show how the article with its findings and discussion help you to develop your research design.
• This section should be approximately 400 words.
Method of Research
• Design your own survey study.
• State the central research question in one sentence. What do you want to discover?
• Provide two hypotheses.
• Describe the method of research you would use to carry out your survey. Be as precise and detailed as possible within the scope of this assignment.
• Present the types of questions you would ask in your survey.
• Provide some examples of how you would formulate survey questions and response format. You may include one scaled question.
• Describe the sample you would study. State how you would access this sample and collect the data.
• Present the measures you would use to analyze your data.
• Show how you would protect the security and confidentiality of your sample by taking into account the elements of research ethics. Refer to Ethical Principles on iGuide, linked in the Resources.
• This section should be approximately 500 words.
Anticipated Findings
• Suggest what you imagine you would find if you actually implemented the design.
• How would you analyze the data using statistical tools?
• How would you present the data?
• This section should be approximately 200 words.
• Describe how you would use theory to explain the findings you would expect to obtain.
• Describe what your research would demonstrate about the distinctive nature and features of public safety leadership as perceived by subordinates.
• Discuss how professionals evaluate leadership.
• Identify at least one limitation of your own proposed project.
• Present ideas for improving the leadership function that could be taken from your proposed research project.
• Suggest a follow-up study to promote further beneficial research activity.
• Approximately 500 words.



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