Retaining talent is one of the key HR issues for many organizations.
Analyse possible reasons for labour turnover.
Identify and explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of labour turnover for an organization.
You are expected to apply relevant theories and to use examples in your explanations where appropriate.

Please ensure that your assignment incorporates:
• Abstract
• A table of contents
• A list of figures and/ or list of tables and / or list of abbreviations where appropriate
• Introduction
• Literature Review & Analysis ( 1200 words)
• Conclusions/Recommendations (300 words)
• References / Presentation
• Bibliography

Description of Assessment Requirements
The ESSAY should be based on the following outline:

1 Abstract: A statement of what you were asked to review and the key aspect of what you would recommend

2.Introduction: A clear and concise introduction chapter which covers the background, scope and the purpose of the assignment.
( 300 words)

3. Main Body:( 1200 words)
The essay should have the following:
(i) A brief literature review
(ii) Critically evaluate the reasons for labour turnover.
(iii) Identify and explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of labour turnover for an

You are expected to apply relevant theories and to use examples in your explanations where appropriate.
4 Conclusions/Recommendations: What did you find, these should be related specifically to your objectives ( 300 words)


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