Please reply to A and B, should be at least 200 words in length. It is all righ Leave a reply Please reply to A and B, should be at least 200 words in length.It is all right to disagree with A and B, however your responses should always be thoughtful and respectful and reflect your opinions professionally.ALGBT is a term used to describe ones sexual orientation. The slang term stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In the recent years ones sexual orientation was not something that was discussed. Societal standards have typically frowned upon anything except for being heterosexual in recent years. Since the early 1980s we have seen a correlation between the gay population and development of communicable diseases such as AIDs and HIV. It used to be believed that only this population was able to transmit the disease. After many years of research and education we now know that this is not true; any person of any sexual orientation is able to contract AIDs and HIV. It is spread via direct contact with blood and bodily fluids with sexual intercourse or needle sticks and sharing. The stigma around believing only the homophobic population can contract this is beginning to dwindle and in todays society is not a death sentence as it once was for many. At one time in 1995 AIDS was the leading cause of death of Americans age 25 to 44 (Writers, 2021.). Currently, more than 35 million people live with the disease worldwide (Writers, 2021.).Due to the stigma around being gay many people do not disclose their sexual orientation in previous years. Furthermore, being gay and having a disease such as AIDs or HIV was highly shameful. I feel that one justification for negative stigma surrounding these topics is that people who believe in Christ and the bible view both of these things as sinful. I could see where this population would be hesitant to seek medical care because they may think they would be treated differently if they disclosed such personal information.Fortunately, we are now beginning to see our societal norms transition. The LGCT population is now becoming something that is accepted by society. There are beginning to be communities and support groups for people who feel they do not have a place in society because of their sexual orientation. Though I personally do not think that it is natural to have feelings of wanting to transition to another sex, or do I agree with being homosexual I Respect other beliefs. I do not want to see the affection or talk about things that these communities experience but what they par take in behind closed doors is ones own business. Im certain that there are people who do not want to witness the affection between me and my husband. But what we do in our own space is our own business. Things done privately and not affecting is not an issue to me. People should not be so quick to judge ones situation. I think that diversity, respect, and education are things that can make services more effective to communities such as the LGBT population.ReferencesWriters, S. (2021, October 14). HIV and AIDS: An origin story. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. It is one of the vulnerable population groups that is progressively securing and winning equal rights (Wallace & Santacruz, 2017). However, this group is faced with a lot of health disparities linked to the social stigma, discrimination in the community, and their denial of civil and other human rights. Because of these factors, this group continues to receive substandard care, which contributes to the worse healthcare outcomes and the increasing health inequalities. Biological factors such as aging make it difficult for gay elderly individuals with the HIV pandemic to access quality healthcare services and get social support in the community and from relevant authorities due to stereotypes associated with LGBT (Wallace & Santacruz, 2017). The unavailability of LGBT-friendly healthcare services, lack of insurance coverage for the group, and the discrimination and stresses associated with the systemic harassment among the youth LGBTs when seeking healthcare services reduce their access to healthcare services. Also, it lowers their faith in the healthcare system and facilities. Psychological factors have also been attributed to the failure of the LGBT seeking healthcare services, based on the past actions where homosexuality and gender dysphoria were considered psychiatric diseases (Wallace & Santacruz, 2017). This makes it difficult for the members of LGBT to openly associate themselves to the group and be openly identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or even transgender since they fear that their identity might be discovered. Social factors such as discrimination, stigma, homophobia, and transphobia also play a significant factor in interfering with the LGBT individuals ability to use healthcare facilities and healthcare systems (Wallace & Santacruz, 2017). Behavioral factors such as mental illness, substance abuse, use, and other risky behaviors have been attributed to be contributing factors to their reduced delays in the care of patients.To help solve these barriers to access to healthcare by the LGBT, nurses and nursing practitioners must always be culturally competent at all times (Sprik & Gentile, 2020). Culturally competent nurses will understand and appreciate the cultural differences between themselves and LGBT individuals. This will make it possible for such nurses to offer quality nursing care and healthcare services. Culturally competent nurses will be able to understand the cultural needs and expectations of LGBT individuals. The nursing care services given to such individuals will be tailored to meet the groups needs.Additionally, there should be healthcare laws that require the development of all-inclusive healthcare and initiate insurance programs to cover LGBT individuals (Sprik & Gentile, 2020). This will increase their access to healthcare services and reduce the health disparities associated with the LGBT.ReferencesSprik, P., & Gentile, D. (2020). Cultural humility: a way to reduce LGBTQ health disparities at the end of life. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®, 37(6), 404-408., B. C., & Santacruz, E. (2017). Health disparities and LGBT populations. LGBT psychology and mental health: emerging research and advances. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 177-196. This entry was posted in Nursing on December 5, 2021 by .