Please follow these guidelines:APA guidelines… 1500 words excluding reference l Leave a reply Please follow these guidelines:APA guidelines… 1500 words excluding reference list …Stay as close as possible to Times new Roman font, 12 point, whole report double spacedAPA Title page – running head (upper case) with title only, page# at top right corner, relevant information according to Student submission 7th Edition APA guideAbstract- summary of your report beginning with the purpose of the report and capturing main elements of each section –150 words -on page by itself with a first level titleIntroduction- no heading specifying introduction but the page will have the heading of the report at the top… Approximately 200 words ending with your thesis statementBegin the first main heading of your report on the same page as your introductionYour report body has a minimum of three main headings… Level 1One section of your body report should break down into level 2 headings … adding depth to your analysisConclusion – continues on the same page where your last section of the body ends (does not require a page on its own); has a level 1 heading (approximately 150 words… No new information)References – 5 references minimum, three from solid academic sources, others can be from anywhere except Wikipedia … on a new pageAppendix – includes one figure and one table according to APA presentation standards … On a new page This entry was posted in Literature on December 5, 2021 by .

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