Overview: You are asked to design a strengths-based formal mentoring OR formal c Leave a reply Overview:You are asked to design a strengths-based formal mentoring OR formal coachingprogram for emerging leaders within your organization/intended organization.This assignment should be 10-12 pages in length (not including title page, references,appendices, etc.). The paper should be in APA style with appropriate headings.Project Outline: (Use each section as a heading)I. Program Structure Define strengths-based formal mentoring OR formal coaching in regardsto your project. Describe similar coaching/mentoring programs that other organizationsare using. What is it about those programs that you believe will be mostrelevant in your program design? How will your program be structured (mentor matching, length ofprogram, expectations, estimated cost of the program, etc)? How are program participants selected? Is it a part of an existing program(employee on-boarding, employee evaluation processes, etc)? Describe program delivery methods.II. Program Rationale Why is this program important to the organization? What does the research say to support this kind of program? Specifically,what does research say about formal mentoring OR formal coachingprograms within this industry?III. Program Goals and Projected Outcomes What are the goals/projected outcomes of the program? How will the outcomes be measured? What is the anticipated Return on Investment (ROI) of this type ofprogram?IV. Program Modules/Themes Provide a detailed sample overview of the programs module themes.Include any assessments or activities that may be utilized in the program. How does the strengths-based philosophy of this program impact thedirection of the modules/themes?Reminders: Use APA formatting and citations. Make sure to provide in-text citations of anysources used in the program, as well as a reference page. Be creative!! Personalize this leadership development program for yourorganization/intended organization. Make it relevant for your industry. Infuse elements from your readings, videos and other assignments from thiscourse. This entry was posted in Other on December 6, 2021 by .