My paper is on The Umass Lowell Advancement & Alumni Relations and on how we can Leave a reply My paper is on The Umass Lowell Advancement & Alumni Relations and on how we can help to reach out to more people and help them by giving them new ideas and stuff. so my part in the project is to do the research analysis. and this is all I have to do-Research/Analysis2.1 Target market-Segment the market• Evaluate segments• Choose one or more as a focal point To do so, explain all criteria (e.g., patterns and commitment levels, demographics, geo- /demographics, psychographics, lifestyles, benefits sought) you used to select the target audience and why.2.2 Background, purpose, focus2.3 Market analysis (must have evidence)Relative to the purpose and focus of the plan, describe the factors and forces in the internal and external environment that are anticipated to have some impact on planning decisions (i.e., SWOT) Micro environmental factors (strengths & weaknesses), such as resources; past performance; current alliances and partners; and publicsMacro Environmental Factors (opportunities & threats), such as demographic forces; economic forces; cultural forces; technological forces; political/legal forces; and natural forces This entry was posted in Marketing on December 5, 2021 by .