Faculty of Business Studies
BE200 – Marketing Management
Tutor Marked Assessment
FALL 2015-2016
Read carefully the following instructions and both cases study, and then answer each question in an essay format. To support your analysis use relevant material from BE200 covered so far and other resources such as AOU e-library articles.
• Cut-off date: Submit this assignment no later than December14th, 2015. All late submissions require approval from the branch course coordinator and will be subject to grade deductions.
• Word count: you should discuss the questions in no more or less than the number of words mentioned for each question (plus or minus 10%).
• Referencing: You must acknowledge all your sources of information using full Harvard Style Referencing (in-text referencing plus list of references at the end). Use E-library: to get journal articles on the topic (Emerald, EBSCO…). Use at least 2 articles.
• Plagiarism: Remember that you should work the information from references into your own original thoughts and INTO YOUR OWN WORDS. Plagiarism will lead to a significant loss of marks. Extensive plagiarism could mean that you failed your TMA. (Refer to AOU definitions of cheating and plagiarism at the end of this document)
• Essay guidance: Your response to each question should take the form of a full essay format. Avoid using subheadings and bullet points. Use BE200 textbook, slides, case study and E-Library. Plan what you will write, and have a well-organized outline.
• Using PT3 form: When you have completed your TMA, you must fill in the assignment form (PT3) posted on your model account, taking care to fill all information correctly.
• Turnit-in upload: A soft copy of your TMA and PT3 form should be uploaded to Turnit-in via the link posted on your model account, within the cut-off date.
• This TMA is 20% of BE200 Grade.
For textbook: Principles of Marketing (Arab World Editions) with My Marketing Lab – refer to chapters 1, 2, 3 and 5
Balancing the marketing mix through creative and innovative strategies
The Kellogg Company was founded in 1898 by W.K. Kellogg and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. Through experimentation with flaked corn, W.K. Kellogg created the recipe for Corn Flakes. In 1906, he opened the “Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company” and recruited his first 44 employees. Together with these employees he developed the initial batch of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes bringing to life his vision for great-tasting, ‘better-for-you’ breakfast foods.
Kellogg embraced every opportunity to make a difference in peoples’ lives and was motivated by his passion to help people improve their health. Today, over a hundred years since it was first founded, the Kellogg Company still upholds his original values. The company is the world’s leading producer of cereals and a market leader in health and nutrition. Kellogg’s was one of the first companies to print nutrition labels on its packaging and, in 2007, was amongst the first companies to print Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) on its products to inform the public about the food they are eating. This has helped the company to engage with a market more concerned with healthy living
A marketing strategy determines what a company is going to produce in terms of products or deliver in terms of services, how much it is going to charge for these products or services, how it will deliver these products or services to the customer, and how it is going to tell its customers about its products and services. This is known as the marketing mix and is often referred to as the 4Ps of marketing. The mix involves creating the right product, sold at the right price, in the right place, using the most suitable methods of promotion. Although the marketing mix will vary from business to business and market sector, its purpose is to assist a business to balance these four key factors to meet the needs of the customer
Kellogg’s balances the 4Ps by
Offering a wide range of popular products and regularly introducing exciting new products to the market – Product
Pricing its products to ensure that customers receive the best possible product for their money – Price
Help ensuring its products are available wherever shoppers are, from supermarkets, to the internet or on-the-go, and by understanding shopper behaviors – Place
Delivering engaging and exciting marketing communications – Promotion
Getting the right product or service to the customer, at the right price, in the right place and at the right time is fundamental to business success. Understanding and balancing the marketing mix enables an organization to uniquely position its brand to drive sales of its products and services. To remain as a market leader a business needs to continually look at new ways of engaging and exciting customers in its products and services.
Question 1 :(25 Marks)
Today’s successful companies have one thing in common: they are strongly customer focused and heavily committed to marketing.
a-What does marketing means? (5 Marks)
b-Discuss in details the five marketing management orientations and explain which one you believe is mostly used by today’s organizations (20 Mark)
Word count: 300 words
Question 2: (25Marks)
The first four steps in the marketing process involve building customer relationships. The final step involves capturing value in return.
a-Describe what is meant by customer relationship management (5 Mark)
b-What are the different relationship levels companies can build with customers? (10 Mar)
C-In respect to customer relationship management concept and referring to the case above, explain what did Kellogg focus on in order to retain and gain its customers loyalty? (10 Marks)
Word count: 400 words
Question 3: (50 Marks)
The marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target mark.
a-Explain how Kellogg managed to balance its marketing mix strategy. How did it manage each of the marketing mix components? The students should begin by explaining the marketing mix component while referring to BE200 material and then apply it to the case. (20 Marks)
b-Discuss how Kellogg succeeded in differentiating and positioning its products for maximum competitive advantage in the marketplace? (15 Marks)
c-Identify any one of Kellogg’s competitor.
-Discuss the differences in marketing strategies between the two (15 Marks)
Word count: 500 words
Grades deduction for:
TMA Presentation: (up to 5 marks)
Up to 5 marks should be deducted for poor presentation or poor organization of the TMA outline and discussion or TMA presented without PT3.
Proper referencing: (up to 5 marks)
Referencing should be both in-text referencing, plus a list of references at the end using Harvard style. Up to 5 marks should be deducted for poor referencing.
Use of E-Library: (up to 5 marks)
A minimum use of 2 articles from AOU e-library is required to support the discussions. Up to 5 marks should be deducted for no use or poor use of e-library.
Word count: (up to 5 marks)
The answers should be within the specified word count. A deviation of 10% is acceptable; if more, a deduction up to 5 marks will be applied.
Arab Open University Definitions of cheating and plagiarism
Plagiarism means copying from internet, from unreferenced sources, from other students’ TMAs or any other source. Penalties for plagiarism range from failure in the TMA or the course, to expulsion from the university.
According to the Arab Open University By-laws, “the following acts represent cases of cheating and plagiarism:
• Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic acknowledgement and documentation.
• Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
• Copying other students’ notes or reports.
• Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.
• Utilization of, or proceeding to utilize, contraband materials or devices in examinations.”
Penalty on plagiarism: The following is the standard plagiarism penalty applied across branches as per Article 11 of the university by-laws was revisited and modified to be more explicit with regard to plagiarism on TMAs. Penalties include the following:
1) Awarding of zero for a TMA wherein more than 20% of the content is plagiarized.
2) Documentation of warning in student record.
3) Failure in the course to dismissal from the University.
All University programs are required to apply penalties that are consistent with the University by laws.
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