The module addresses the management challenge of designing and implementing marketing programmes to carry out a firm’s strategy in its chosen target markets. It develops abilities to make marketing decisions in a variety of circumstances from manufacturing, retailing, public authority and situations in developing countries. The course encourages the use of technology to aid in analysis, decision-making and communication of decisions to relevant stakeholders.

Module Learning Outcomes to be assessed
Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to:

• Devise, plan, and utilise integrated approaches leading to the development and presentation of marketing plan(s) and marketing management decisions which incorporate the appropriate integration of theory and practice.
• Critically determine, formulate and define strategic marketing decisions based on analytical techniques delivered in the module and understand and demonstrate the importance of using analytical and logical skills in the application of marketing concepts to marketing issues
• Devise effective and integrated marketing plans based on a sound conceptual framework and related to marketing decisions which may be related to specific problems, examples, case studies or other appropriate models
• Comprehend, evaluate, and demonstrate a critical awareness of the value of marketing management in business organisations and of how marketing tools and techniques may apply to marketing situations and discuss how these may be used in particular situations and analyse the marketing environment, understand customers and identify opportunities (and threats) in the market place;
• Understand and demonstrate a critical awareness of the importance of marketing techniques including for example segmentation, and how marketing information is used to select target markets and design marketing programs to serve the selected target markets;
• Develop and demonstrate a critically evaluative and systematic approach to the use of research in the development of marketing strategies for organisations in different market positions and in the evolution of marketing practice.
Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module

Assessment Type:

Individual Coursework (100 per cent)

Each student will work on a single case study that has been allotted to them. The questions are given at the end of the case study. Dates for individual coursework submissions will be provided by the programme administrator.


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