Learning Goal: I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to Leave a reply Learning Goal: I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.Prepare a document answering the following questions. Be sure to cite any direct references to credible outside materials. List ways in which you or someone you know has been targeted in an Internet ad campaign. Was it successful? How do you feel about targeting?Think of two products for which online advertising is not effective. What are the reasons for this?How do you, your friends, or your family members search on mobile devices? How has search changed over time? Are there certain product categories that you used to go to Google for, but where you’ll now rely on an app? How do you suppose this impacts Google’s revenue? If you were Google, how might you combat challenges as search shifts from a single search engine to niche apps?Users can be targeted using IP addresses, type of browser used, computer type, its operating system, and unique identifiers, called cookies. Which of these methods do you think is least ethical? Explain your answer.Microsoft’s growth has slowed down in recent years. Do you think the same will happen to Google very soon? Do you think Google will become a bigger company than Microsoft in the near future? Explain your answer. This entry was posted in Management on December 7, 2021 by .

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