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Please ensure that you have read all the texts referenced below closely and that you have written your 150-200 word portfolio notes for each of these. These notes will outline key points of interest; key learning you have accessed through the reading and key issues for which you need further clarification. This further clarification should be sought either through workshop discussion, tutor office hours.

Your notes should be presented in the style outlined in the first of the two ‘Student Role’ lectures and by CeDAS in the Academic Skills workshops.

The title or bibliographic information identifying the source text will not be counted in the word count. I would remind all students that the College’s regulationson word counts permit +/- 10% on the word count range (so with a 150 – 200 word limit your absolute minimum is 135 words and your absolute maximum is 220 words).

Only those readings specifically picked out for you and listed below need to have the 150-200 word portfolio notes. You may, from time to time, be given readings in addition to those below andyou may well find it useful to take notes on these, lectures, workshops and other additional readings. These notes may be significantly longer than 200 words but any such notes should not be included in your portfolio.

This year’s portfolios will not include any readings from the study skills text books. This permits you to read whichever of the study skills texts works best for your style of learning and it is still expected that you will read one or other of these books.

MN1115 is an iterative course. As stated in the course outline, this means that many elements of the learning are built on what has gone before. Therefore, if you miss lectures or readings it is likely that the course will become increasingly difficult for you. For example, the workshop material that you needed for this week’s workshops has to be located on the library system and instructions for doing such searches were introduced in the library sessions (if you missed these please look at the Prezi on the Moodle site and consult the library’s Information Consultant for Managementif you need further information).

It is expected that you will be following the course outline and attending all lectures and workshops. If you are doing this it should be clear what readings are required as we go along. If you do find that you are getting ahead of the reading and wish to be given additional readings on any of the topics then please let me know. All the readings required for your portfolio are listed here.
Readings and Tasks that should be included in the portfolio

Gault, J; Leach, E and Duey, M (2010) “Effects of business internships on job marketability: the employers’ perspective”, Education + Training, Vol. 52 Iss: 1, pp.76 – 88

Shah, M. &Chenicheri, S. N. (2011). Employer satisfaction of university graduates: Key capabilities in early career graduates. In Developing student skills for the next decade. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Teaching Learning Forum, 1-2 February 2011. Perth: Edith Cowan University.

The Library Portfolio Exercise. (You can find this on Moodle in the Information Retrieval and Analysis section)

McAuleyet al. (2014)Organization Theory: Challenges and PerspectivesPgs. 9-48 (Chapter 2 – Organization theory: what is it, and why does it matter?)

Burnes, B and Cooke, B (2013) Kurt Lewin’s Field Theory: A Review and Re-evaluation. International Journal of Management Reviews Volume 15 (4): 408-425

McAuleyet al. (2014) Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives Pgs. 49-91 (Chapter 3 – Modernist organization theory: back to the future?)

And McAuleyet al. (2014) Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives Pgs. 92-138 (Chapter 4 – Neo-modernist organization theory: putting people first?)

Roethlisberger, FJ (1948) Human Relations: Rare, Medium, or Well-Done? Harvard Business Review Volume 26 (1): 89 – 107

McAuley et al. (2014) Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives Pgs 223 – 260 (Chapter 7 – Post-modernist organization Theory).

McAuley et al. (2014) Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives Pgs 301 – 356 (Chapter 9 – Reflective organization theory: symbols, meanings and interpretations).

McAuley et al. (2014) Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives Pgs. 178 – 222 (Chapter 6 – From Classical beginnings to New Wave leadership and management: the evolution of management theory).

Franke, RH and Kaul, JD (1978) The Hawthorne Experiments: First Statistical Interpretation. American Sociological Review. Vol. 43 (No. 5): 623-643

The final element of your work is a mirror piece to that submitted on October 8th. In this final piece of work (no more than 500 words) you should reflect on:

“What I actually did learn from the course, what I contributed and how this experience will shape my learning in the coming months”

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