Pick something at work or school that you want your boss, peer(s), or subordinate(s) to do, do more of, or do better. This must be something that requires influence —i.e., something that they will not choose to do by themselves, and that they will not do unless influenced to do it. Yet, your request must be realistic (they might actually do it if you communicate well or apply incentives). What you request also must be important to you, not trivial — e.g., giving you a raise, not lending you a pen. Next, address the five items below:
1. Request. :
What is your request? Describe here briefly what it is you want them to do. Also, why does this request require influence? How do you know they are unlikely do it without this influence attempt?
2. Audience Analysis. :
Who is your audience? What about your audience must you take into account as you tailor your message to this audience?
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