I, upload the outline, PLEASE you need to fill the outline in the same file and Leave a reply I, upload the outline, PLEASE you need to fill the outline in the same file and send it to me separately. I uploaded 6 FILES find on EBSCO HOST , you have to find 3 more on google, DO NOT use Wikipedia. You can also use 3 internet sources that you find through a search engine like google, but make sure they are valid sources. They should be from online magazines/newspapers or publications from an organization, government agency, or school. Do not use personal webpages, postings from a biased group/company, a blog, posted comments, etc., and NEVER use Wikipedia as a source. PLEASE READ FILE RNW I ORDER 9 PAGES THIS INCLUDED CITY WORKS AND OUTLINE PAPER, FILL AND SEND IT TO ME SEPARATED This entry was posted in English 101 on December 4, 2021 by .