“Australians love their cars. And for much of the past six decades the cars they’ve loved most have been home-grown. In that time, Australia has been one of a select group of countries with the capacity to
design, engineer and build its own cars. For 60 years that capacity has been a cornerstone of the
country’s industrial capacity. Now all that is about to change.
When the new Coalition Government made it clear it wasn’t prepared to spend more money assisting the
car industry, the big manufacturers Holden and Toyota said goodbye”

A. Explain how external environmental scanning could have alerted Holden to change its business
strategies and avoid business closure in Australia?

B. Using readings(“critical reflection”), demonstrate how critical reflection can bring forth
managerial foresight for Holden to remain competitive in their business in Australia.

C. Critically analyse how innovative thinking and intrapreneurial orientation could have saved the Holden
Manufacturing Group.
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