Generally you will select a view you find interesting in metaphysics, epistemolo Leave a reply Generally you will select a view you find interesting in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, or logic. Obviously, there are some interconnections between all of these, yet after reading the text and discussions in class you will select one of these areas as your focus. Also, your paper will include, depending on your focus, some thoughts from Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, or Locke, et. al. Once you have established this basis, then you will add some perspective from the philosophy of language regarding your chosen focus. The type of topics to look at obviously include: realism and anti-realism, foundationalism, rationalism and empiricism, naturalism, idealism, dualism, etc. Part of this exercise is to be able to survey the over-all content and narrow it down to a focus for you to pursue.You should approximately one citation per page (maybe one page has zero while another has two). So I expect that you will search the library to find 2-3 scholarly sources to inform your argument. If possible, have short citations and paraphrase, rather than long straight citations from your sources. This entry was posted in Philosophy on December 4, 2021 by .

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