Attatched file is a game and its documentation that was developed by one of your writers, which failed to recieve a passing grade or fulfil the requirements I set for it. This game needs to be developed further. The game is a 2D Shooter in which a space ship is the main character. The point of the game is for the ship to destroy oncoming asteroids via lasers it can shoot. For every asteroid destroyed points are added to the player. If an asteroid collides with the ship, it loses a portion of it’s health. There is(or should be added) a second weapon – guided missiles, which should “guide” themselves to the nearest asteroid a pathfinding algorithm needs to be added(or amended if it exists in the code) to do that. In addition, one of the following enhancements has to be added: 1)Steering Behaviour; 2) Simple Physics; 4) Control of animation and sound. All enhancements must be justified and described(if not described already. ARCHITECTURAL ENHANCEMENT: a) Description and justification of the proposed enhancement b) Detailed design of the components enhanced to implement the game mechanics, end their relationships (e.g. through UML class diagrams, reporting relationships like inheritance, interface implementation and composition). c) Detailed design of the interactions between the enhanced components (e.g. through UML sequence diagrams) –FEATURE ENHANCEMENT: a) Description and justification of the proposed feature enhacement. b) Detailed design of the components enhanced to implement the game mechanics, end their relationships (e.g. through UML class diagrams, reporting relationships like inheritance, interface implementation and composition). c) Detailed design of the interactions between the enhanced components (e.g. through UML sequence diagrams) You should ensure that your product showcases a concrete gameplay scenario which is fully playable and demonstrates core gameplay elements. It is possible to use up to two internet sources as reference. In the documentation you will find a more detailed description+achitecture of the game. Feel free to amend whatever you need. Just remember the program must be runnable on windows 7, all software that is needed to run the game – listed, and the source code + source files.
P.S. The listed software required to run the file as suggested by the previous writer: XNA Framework; Visio Studio 2010
All files + documentation:
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