F????????????????????ull question: Critically discuss the applicability and rele Leave a reply F????????????????????ull question: Critically discuss the applicability and relevance of one theoretical model / explanatory framework / concept / construct from psychology to a particular area of special educational need and/or disability. Choose the theoretical model /explanatory framework / concept / construct and area of SEND with relevance to your interests. I would really like support in the following: Ensure the structure of the essay is coherent and a thread throughout that answers the question Exceptional clarity, focus and cogency R????????????????????esearch Sophisticated understanding, high level of critical evaluation of scholarship, research and methodologies Outstanding understanding of how research and enquiry create and interpret knowledge and how these apply to students own research/practice Creative and critical handling, presenting, and inferring from research/data The behaviourist theory to be extensive, insightful, and critical APA referencing I have included my resources at the end please ensure there is a combination of old and modern r????????????????????eferences This entry was posted in Psychology on December 5, 2021 by .