Four Basic Beliefs (Based on ANA Nursings Agenda for the Future) Examine each o Leave a reply Four Basic Beliefs (Based on ANA Nursings Agenda for the Future) Examine each of the four statements below and list two pros and two cons for each statement. 1.Health care is a basic human right, and universal access to a standard package of essential health care services should be provided to all citizens and residents. 2.The development and implementation of health policies should aim for safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable care based on outcomes research. 3.The health care system must turn away from the overuse of expensive, technology-driven, acute, hospital-based services and turn toward a more balanced system with emphasis on community-based and preventive services. 4.A single-payer system is the most desirable option for financing a reformed health care system This entry was posted in Nursing on December 5, 2021 by .