F????????????????????ind 1 scholarly/academic qunatitative study that talks abou Leave a reply F????????????????????ind 1 scholarly/academic qunatitative study that talks about the effects of carbohydrates and autism, then use that study to answer the following questions. 1) Appraise the differences between experimental and non-experimental research. 2) Differentiate between a correlational study and an experimental study. 3) State the hypothesis being tested in the selected quantitative???????????????????? research study. 4) Identify the major variables and categorize them as independent or dependent. 5) Describe the methods and results of the study. 6) Determine whether the study is descriptive, correlational, or experimental, and explain why it fits this classification. Document your source in APA style, with in-text citations and references listed at the end of the post????????????????????. This entry was posted in Psychology on December 5, 2021 by .

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