Conduct an internet search on the following organizations:
- Association for Death Education and Counseling
- Center to Advance Palliative Care
- Heal Grief
- Open to Hope
- The Compassionate Friends
- Tragedy Assistance Programs for Survivors
- The Dougy Center
- The Grief Toolbox
- Miss Foundation
- Aging with Dignity
- International Children’s Palliative Care Network
Develop a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation.
Respond to the following questions in your presentation:
- What is the mission of the organization?
- What population is served by the organization?
- What are a few of the objectives of the organization?
- Identify any media or social presence of the organization?
- Does this organization have chapters throughout the country?
- Does the organization sponsor any workshops or conferences?
- Is this an organization you heard of or dicussed prior to taking this class?
- What is your most profound takeway after completing this project?Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results
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